Elza LeimaneSanta Magazine

Dance is the first art form I fell in love with, and Elza Leimane is my first muse. That is why I chose Elza to be my muse for the photographers story of Santa magazine March issue. Thank you for being wonderful on and off stage!
Style: Ginta Vītola
Blue dress: Agnese Eiduka
Boots: Elīna Dobele
Hair&make-up: Aija Ūdentiņa
Location: Zuzeum

Elza LeimaneElza LeimaneElza LeimaneElza LeimaneElza LeimaneElza LeimaneElza LeimaneElza Leimane

Iveta Apkalna for Una Magazine

Iveta Apkalna, Latvian organist who is considered one of the leading instrumentalists in the world, is an artist who I admire and I hoped to have a chance to photograph her. I was really glad that editor of Una magazine called and said that Iveta Apkalna is up for the photoshoot for the January issue. Thanks to Evija Dāboliņa for the beautiful gowns! Special thanks to Dagne Puncule for the assistance.
Location: St. Peter’s Church.

Iveta ApkalnaIveta ApkalnaIveta Apkalna

AirBaltic Calendar 2020 Backstage

Welcome to the airBaltic Calendar 2020 behind the scenes. This calendar is dedicated to the Baltic countries – Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania – and shows the aircraft carrying the colours of the countries’ flags. It took two months to complete the photoshoots and we experienced fun and exciting process.
During this time the weather was changing from super windy to very warm and pleasant autumn days.
Thanks to the team of airBaltic (Linards Jonins), stylist Līga Banga, hair&make-up artists Aija Ūdentiņa and Jūlija Balinska, assistant Ģirts Raģelis. Big thanks to the amazing models!

Full gallery of calendar images is here.

Aiga RēdmaneAirBaltic CalendarAirBaltic CalendarAirBaltic CalendarAirBaltic CalendarAirBaltic CalendarAirBaltic CalendarAirBaltic CalendarAirBaltic CalendarAirBaltic Calendar
The story about the new calendar on Baltic Outlook magazine December issue:

Behind the scenes video by Ģirts Raģelis:

Katram savu tautastērpu. Dienrādis 2020

Ļoti saulains, siltām emocijām pilns projekts – “Katram savu tautastērpu” kalendārs jeb Dienrādis 2020. Tās ir mūsu atmiņas par bērnībā sapņoto. Kā vēsta kalendārs: “Bērnībā tagadne ir sapnis par nākotni. Nākotne šķiet tāla un neizmērojama. Tautastērps saista pagātni ar nākotni un iekļauj mūsu esamību vēsturē”.
Paldies Latvijas Nacionālajam kultūras centram, jo īpaši Astrai Spalvēnai, Lindai Rubenai, Lanai Kazlauskienei par šī projekta izcilo organizēšanu.
Paldies asistēšanas darbos Ģirtam Raģelim un Kristapam Lapikam.
Paldies visiem lieliskajiem modeļiem, atsaucīgajiem vecākiem un kolektīvu vadītājiem.

Te ieskats kalendāra rezultātā. Pilnu galeriju varat apskatīt šeit.

Katram savu tautasterpuKatram savu tautasterpuKatram savu tautasterpuKatram savu tautasterpuKatram savu tautasterpu

Video autors: Mārtiņš Jansons

Ieskats tapšanas procesā:

Katram savu tautastērpuKatram savu tautastērpuKatram savu tautastērpuKatram savu tautastērpuKatram savu tautastērpuKatram savu tautastērpuKatram savu tautastērpu